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All-in-One Chicken Garden Variety Pack

$3999 USD

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100% Non-GMO, Pure Heirloom, Soy and Corn FREE Treats For Your Backyard Chickens That You Can Grow At Home 

••●•• Heal your Chickens, Naturally ••●••

All-in-One Backyard Chicken Keeper Variety Pack includes an assortment of the 15 most popular varieties beneficial to chickens. Seeds are all individually packaged.

Sariann I. wrote us and said:

"I've been growing & feeding fresh herbs/sprouts with seeds we've purchased from your company to our backyard chickens.  They've never been so happy or healthy! All of our hens love receiving these fresh treats that we are able to grow in our vegetable garden and then share with them to enhance their health, deter pests, increase laying production & "spruce up" their coop and nesting boxes with an aromatic herb or two.  Feeding our chickens these herbs has cut our feed costs by up to half! We never felt right about feeding our chickens soy or GMO corn feed.  We love being able to provide our chickens with healthy & organic herbs that we've grown especially for them!"  


Includes all of the following 15 varieties:

1. Alfalfa Sprouts (appx. 4,000 seeds) 

  • These greens are very good for your chickens can be part of a healthy diet. Don't forget that feeding your chickens will up their protein intake! Also, feeding them alfalfa is linked to increased pigmentation,  which means layers will produce eggs with more deep orangey yolks.

2. Borage (appx. 65 seeds) 

  • The leaves may be harvested at anytime and can be used dried or fresh. The plant is best consumed fresh, right after harvest if you're looking for it's characteristic flavor, similar to that of a cucumber. Placing borage around your coop or hen house will deter pests.  Very high in calcium, borage is like a powerhouse for supporting their cardiovascular system. 

3. Basil Mix (appx. 120 seeds)

  • Antibacterial, mucus membrane health. Can be used to brew an "herbal tea" for new chicks for a healthy start.  Is wonderful when dried and added to nesting boxes.  When growing basil, as soon as you see flowers start to appear, make sure you pinch or snip them off.  This will help the plant stay focused on producing leaves and will encourage the plant to "branch out" as well.   Once your basil plant is about 6 inches tall, start pinching off the tops to encourage branching.

4. Cilantro (appx. 80 seeds)

  • If you want to support your chickens bones, feeding them cilantro is a wonderful and natural way to do that. High in vitamin K and A.  Acts as a fungicide and contains many beneficial antioxidants. Harvest the cilantro leaves around the base of the plant.  Just make sure the plant is fairly established before you start harvesting so it will be able to handle the stress and recover as it continues to grow.  Once the flowers have gone to seed, start to re-sow more seeds. That way you won't run out and have a continual harvest of fresh cilantro on your hands.   You can harvest the leaves or the entire plant at once.


5. Dill (appx. 100 seeds)

  • Very beneficial to your chickens respiratory health, fresh dill can be fed to your chickens.  Try drying and then hanging it near or inside of the nest boxes.    It aids in the laying process because it is a natural sedative. When you're ready to harvest, look for the dark green leaves, otherwise known as "dill weed".  You can harvest the leaves at any time. The young leaves tend to have better flavor.

6. Fennel (appx. 100 seeds) 

  • Recognized as a laying stimulant. Add some freshly cut fennel foliage to your nesting boxes or shaved Fennel bulb to your chickens feed to ensure fresh eggs, year round. Harvest the bulbs when they are approximately the same size as a tennis ball. Once the plant bolts, the flavor will be ruined so try to harvest it before them.  Cut the bulb and stalks off right at the soil line. 

7. Lemon Balm (appx. 80 seeds)

  • Ward off stress with this this antibacterial and aromatic herb. It makes for a wonderful rodent repellent. It calms their nerves, and smells wonderful in the coop.  Hang this fresh herb to dry and then add to nesting boxes to sooth and relax your chickens. Harvest leaves from your lemon balm plant at any time.  Dry indoors upside down, chop and store for later use.

8. Lemon Grass

  • Fly repellent. Similar to "citronella" in scent. The long, grassy leaves should be collected by snipping them off with scissors anywhere from mid summer on.  

9. Mint, Spearmint (appx. 280 seeds)

  • Repel insects and rodents with this powerful, aromatic herb.  It has been known to aid in regulating body temp., produce stronger egg shells, and helps with the chickens digestive system. Pick the leaves as you need them or harvest a large amount from each mint plant up to three times in one growing season.  Cut the stems 1-2 inches from the ground.   You can take cuttings from the plants you already have and root them in a little bit of water and then plant them indoors for fresh leaves throughout the winter. If you want to dry the leaves, it's best to harvest them before the plant goes to seed.

10. Oregano, Greek (appx. 200 seeds)

  • Combats many diseases like coccidia, salmonella, and e-coli. It can ward off the dreaded avian flue.  Oregano naturally strengthens the immune system. Harvest oregano anytime after they have reached 4-6 inches tall. Harvest oregano leaves in the morning hours as soon as the dew has dried for best flavor.  Once harvested, use fresh or store leaves whole, placed in freezer bags and frozen. They can also be dried in a dark, well-ventilated area and stored in airtight containers until ready to use. 


11. Parsley, Dark Green Italian (appx. 60 seeds)

  • High in many necessary vitamins and minerals that are required for optimal chicken health.  Helps blood vessel development and has been known to be a great stimulant for laying. Harvest your parsley once the leaves begin to curl.  Pick the leaves earlier in the day when the oils are the strongest.  You can store the sprigs of parsley in a jar with a little bit of water in the bottom, inside the refrigerator for later use.

12. Broccoli Sprouts

  • These sprouts are actually larger and more flavorful than alfalfa sprouts and make a great addition to what you feed your chickens.  Your chickens be so happy eating broccoli sprouts.

13. Sage (appx. 25 seeds) 

  • Feed your chickens sage to increase overall health.  This herb can also combat disease and is an anti-parasitic. Smells wonderful in the coop. Store in an airtight container, in a cool and dry place.

14. Lettuce - All Year (appx. 200 seeds) 

  • As its name suggests, this is a lettuce that can be gown throughout the year, though it will require protection with a cloche or cold frame in the cooler months.    The 'All Year Round' lettuce is a classic Butterhead lettuce, with medium sized loosely formed heads and soft, buttery-textured green leaves. 

15.  Lettuce - Romaine, Classic "Paris Island Cos"

  • Large, upright, full-bodied heads with dark-green, slightly savoyed leaves that are mild and sweet. Because of their higher chlorophyll content, romaine lettuces are among the most nutritious of all lettuces. Excellent performer in the inter-mountain region. Mosaic tolerant.

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